Greetings from the Esperanza!

by Daniel Casillan

September 18, 2011

By the time you read this we will be in America Samoa. We left Tahiti on Saturday to start the South Pacific tour, Defending the Pacific 2011. Part of our mission is to stop the use of fish aggregating devices – otherwise known as FAD’s – and long-lines in what are know as “pocket” areas of the ocean in between island nations that are not protected or regulated. We want to set these areas as Marine Reserves so that nobody can come in to these international unregulated zones to wipe out fish stocks, particularly tuna.

The life as a deck hand is a fun one but full of hard work. Lately, I have been watch keeper from 4am to 8am, which includes patrolling the Esperanza, making sure there are no fires, and taking care of any other task that comes up. During this time, I have been learning how to steer the boat, making sure to brake for whales! During the day, I clean the main deck and living quarters, repair anything that’s broken, keep up the maintenance of the Esperanza, help with launching the helicopter and zodiac, as well as participate in any actions as needed.

None of this would be possible if it wasn’t for all of Greenpeace’s hard work. Every person on the boat knows and understands how Greenpeace operates and where our money comes from; if they don’t, I let them know. The Esperanza doesn’t run off of hopes, dreams or unicorns! This movement only works when passionate activists go out and campaign, one person at a time, and get people involved to help save our oceans and future. Thank you for everything you do.

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