The Whales are Invading the System

by Alexis Sadoti

April 8, 2010

The whales have left the ocean and are headed for the White House.

Yesterday, a group of D.C activists decided to give the whales a voice in the hopes that Obama might hear it. And where is the best place for Obama to hear some whale pleas? Why, his home of course. Which is why two whales and some petitioners hopped on the metro and headed directly to the White House.

It was swelteringly hot in those bulky whale suits but it was worth it because people can’t help but smile when they see two whales wandering the streets of downtown. Which is why they stopped and listened to what we had to say. Yes, Obama is set to support whaling and overturn the whaling moratorium. We got a lot of “Obama supporting whaling? I don’t believe it…”’s. Neither do we; that’s the point and that’s why we were out there trying to get the message out.

The United States delegation of the IWC (International Whaling Commission) is prepared to back the restart of legal commercial whaling in the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary. We should be trying to phase out whale slaughter, not legitimizing it. As a candidate, President Obama said, “As president, I will ensure that the U.S. provides leadership in enforcing international wildlife protection agreements, including strengthening the international moratorium on commercial whaling. Allowing Japan to continue commercial whaling is unacceptable.” (March 16, 2008 – Greenpeace candidate questionnaire).

As we were heading to metro, a man on the street shouted, “The whales are invading the system”. Yes they are, because if they don’t have the oceans where else can they go? So, if you see some whales in the street, stop and listen to their story. They need you to help them tell President Obama that overturning the commercial whaling ban could be devastating to whale populations and some may never recover.

Take Action. Give a shout out to the whales and tell Obama to save the whaling moratorium. They need all the help they can get.

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