Cosa facciamo
per il pianeta

Vogliamo cambiare il mondo in meglio, fermare i crimini ambientali e costringere politici e multinazionali a rispondere delle loro azioni. Scopri cosa stiamo facendo per raggiungere questi obiettivi e unisciti a noi per un futuro verde e di pace.

Portofino Marine Protected Area joins Greenpeace Italy “Progetto Mare Caldo” (Hot Sea Water Project”. The underwater thermometers placed in the area since 2015 have registered an increase in water temperature. The Greenpeace dive team with researcher have checked the impact on the local biodiversity, and have found clear signs of the impact of climate change (similar to those observed in Elba Island).


La vita sulla Terra dipende dal mare e dagli oceani. È fondamentale proteggerli dalle attività umane e dai cambiamenti climatici.

Autumn atmosphere in the Hainich National Park in Thuringia. The primeval beech forest is a protected area for plants and animals. Herbststimmung im Nationalpark Hainich in Thüringen. Der Buchenurwald ist Schutzgebiet für Pflanzen und Tiere.


Difendere le foreste significa contrastare il cambiamento climatico e l’estinzione di numerose specie di piante e animali.

Wind Park in Feldheim, Germany. © Paul Langrock / Greenpeace
Enercon wind turbines E126 at wind park Feldheim. © Paul Langrock / Greenpeace


Il cambiamento climatico è la crisi più urgente che l’umanità deve affrontare. Se vogliamo un futuro, non c’è più tempo da perdere.

Portofino Marine Protected Area joins Greenpeace Italy “Progetto Mare Caldo” (Hot Sea Water Project”. The underwater thermometers placed in the area since 2015 have registered an increase in water temperature. The Greenpeace dive team with researcher have checked the impact on the local biodiversity, and have found clear signs of the impact of climate change (similar to those observed in Elba Island).

Cibo e Agricoltura

Agricoltura industriale e allevamenti intensivi stanno causando danni enormi per produrre in breve tempo e al minor costo. 

Plastic Waste Blown Away from Waste Landfill La Crau in France. © Wolf Wichmann / Greenpeace
Plastic waste blown away from formerly open domestic waste landfill La Crau in Entressen France. The landfill was open until 2008. Plastic bags, film and foil entangled in bushes and washed up in canal. © Wolf Wichmann / Greenpeace


Plastica, PFAS e sostanze chimiche tossiche stanno soffocando il pianeta e mettendo in pericolo la nostra salute.

Projection for Final Shutdown at Emsland NPP. © Lars Berg / Greenpeace
Greenpeace activists are protesting simultaneously against unsafe nuclear power and for the legally regulated phase-out at the three remaining nuclear power plants Neckarwestheim, Emsland/Lingen and Isar/Essenbach. Using powerful projectors, the environmentalists are projecting expired TÜV seals and the words “Expired, shut down” onto the cooling towers of the nuclear power plants. With their action, the activists draw attention to the fact that the three nuclear power plants have long needed a complete safety check and must now be consistently shut down on 15 April 2023 when the “lifetime extension” expires. © Lars Berg / Greenpeace


L’energia nucleare ha costi insostenibili, è pericolosa e genera enormi quantità di rifiuti tossici. Non c’è motivo di sceglierla.

Around 10,000 people marched for a ‘Climate of peace’ in Vienna on Friday 25th of March. Greenpeace Austria supported the strike and did a human banner forming a peace sign.


Ogni giorno ci impegniamo per creare un mondo più giusto, verde e libero dai conflitti. E tu puoi farlo insieme a noi.

Rainbow Warrior in Seferihisar. © Caner GUEVERA / Greenpeace
For the first time in Turkey, GP is actively building a campaign around the solution: Solar energy for all which is key for energy independence, safe environment and healthy future for our kids. © Caner GUEVERA / Greenpeace

Indagini e Report

Tutti i nostri studi sui crimini ambientali e sulle scelte politiche e industriali dannose per il clima.



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